Carrying the torch

Passion and Commitment

  • If you are committed to using your skills in Africa to further the impact of renewable energy amongst disadvantaged urban and rural communities;
  • If you are a person of high integrity and energy, with a desire to champion the use of renewable energy in the energy sector within Africa;
  • If you are also a person who is prepared to mentor others following you may just be the person we are looking for!

A two year scholarship is available to study towards a Masters degree in Renewable Energy studies at a South African university. Students from an engineering, science, environment & geographical science, finance, economics or development studies background may apply. Applicants will need to convince the selection panel that they are a fitting candidate to carry forward the vision and passion of late Dr Doug Banks. South African citizens or permanent residents may apply.

Please note: that funds will only be released once proof of successful registration for postgraduate studies at the relevant university is provided. Funding for the 2nd year of studies will be dependent on favourable progress during the 1st year.

Feeding the flame


If you are willing and able to offer the beneficiaries of the DBREV scholarships access to the knowledge, skills and resources at your disposal, such that it would empower them in achieving the aims of the DBREV initiative, please consider being a DBREV mentor. You could either commit to guiding them through their studies, providing them with field work experience, or merely being available for ad hoc advice and assistance as part of the network of mentors. You may be a RE expert, you may be an economist, a lawyer or a politician; your involvement can only enrich the initiative.


We aim to partner with organisations and individuals who wish to invest in growing intellectual capital in the Renewable Energy field. Donations can be structured to take advantage of the tax laws regarding donations to education institutions.

So far, we have had funds committed from a number of institutions, companies and individuals who are listed on the sponsors page.

We would like to make special mention of Prof Wikus van Niekerk and the Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies at the University of Stellenbosch for their support and guidance in getting this initiative off the ground.