6 November 2020
6 November 2020Kyle Swartz. Kyle was awarded the Doug Banks Renewable Energy Vision Scholarship, in 2016, towards a Masters degree at Stellenbosch University. His Masters research explores how socio-economic development funds, made available by IPP’s within the REIPPPP, can be effectively used to address energy access and energy poverty challenges faced in beneficiary communities. As part of his Masters journey Kyle was part of the Renewable Energy Transitions research team at the Centre for Complex Systems in Transition at Stellenbosch University. The objective of this research group, led by Prof Mark Swilling, is to advance the academic debate on Just Energy Transitions and support the sustainable developmental impact of the renewable energy sector in South Africa.
Kyle currently works as a Senior Project Developer at ENERTRAG South Africa focusing on developing wind, solar and PtX projects in Southern Africa. His previous work experience consists of research and publications on private-sector energy investments and power procurement in the Global South, at the Power Futures Lab at UCT. Additionally, he worked in the public sector, focusing on energy programmes, specifically embedded generation and energy efficiency, at the City of Cape Town.
“By supporting my Masters journey, DBREV has afforded me the opportunity that created the foundation in my understanding of the great potential renewable energy has for the world, not only in providing low carbon energy but also in how renewable energy can transform people’s lives. This has been a motivating factor for me to further build my professional career within the renewable energy industry.”